Bynaar about

About Us

We continuously strive to achieve how enterprises can focus on their productivity. One should focus more on getting things done whilst not spending precious time where processes take long time to conclude.

We want to make sure that in today's agile world, no one wants to be at a place where she is unable to express core skills and be recognized, but instead the company should focus on growing as a unit. We want to keep learning from you and understand the processes that you use in everyday work, so we could bring coherence in to such processes and work on making things integrated.

As we now have stepped into this part of the world, it's our fundamental driving force that we learn from you and learn how to make your everyday work at ease.

Our Vision

Our vision is to keep growing in this space and make ourselves more mature in learning and adapting to your needs. In future, not too distant, we want to introduce products which could cater to more of an enterprise's processes, and of course, building on the intuitive easy to use theme that we have started out with!

If an employee is kept engaged and it is possible for such tools to work integrated, it can give a much better insight to help increase employee engagement and productivity.

Cross-functional teams who believe in getting things done is the driving factor for our future work.