Time Tracking

Why Small Business Shouldn’t Try to Operate Like Big Businesses.

Most business owners and CEOs have a personal vision for their company, a vision which usually involves a more hands-off approach at the top...

Feb 21st 2019

HR Person

Keeping Everyone in the Loop: Integrating Business Communication

One of the biggest obstacles to a successful business is mis-communication. Any business is limited by how efficiently information is transmitted throughout the operation.

Feb 28th 2019

HR Person

Multi-Platform Training is the Key to Maximizing Potential

Gone are the days when people were hired to perform a single, distinct job, then stuck to that role without ever deviating into another area of the business.

Mar 5th 2019

HR Person

Integrated and Accountable: Keys to an Effective Support System

It is commonly understood that every business needs some form of customer support. The methods and techniques for dealing with client issues have been researched and documented at great length.

Mar 14th 2019