Keeping Everyone in the Loop: Integrating Business Communication

Business Communication

One of the biggest obstacles to a successful business is miscommunication. Any business is limited by how efficiently information is transmitted throughout the operation. A detrimental lack of communication can take many different forms:

CEO and management

Visionary ideas for the present and future of the business will remain nothing more than hopeful concepts if they aren’t accurately shared with those designing and implementing strategies.

Between departments

Efficient product development will never reach its full potential if they aren’t matching the product being promoted by the marketing department. Accounting can’t do its job properly if human resources doesn’t have the necessary framework to provide them with accurate information. There need to be clear routes of communication at all levels to ensure effective coordination.

Management and employees

Even the most skilled and experienced group of employees will fail to produce profitable results if they are unable to adequately interpret their instructions and priorities. So, while it is easy to see why a lack of acceptable communication can derail a business and keep it from reaching its goals, how to achieve the necessary level of connection can be a more difficult question to answer. Not every suggestion on this list will apply to your organization but, in general, they outline an efficient approach to business communication.

Understand different styles

Not everyone responds positively to the same methods. While some people need regular affirmation, others work more effectively when pushed. Whether you are a CEO working with department heads or a small business owner dealing with retail staff, knowing your audience is crucial.


Mixed messages are the bane of any striving business. Regardless of how important or trivial the message is, just make sure it is clearly conveyed with no room for ambiguity.

See the whole picture

When something goes wrong, don’t immediately assume it was the result of laziness or incompetence. If other factors contributed to the problem, ignoring that will quickly alienate your workers.

Have a system in place

Sometimes it isn’t so much about what is being said to whom, but how it gets there. Many businesses, especially those experiencing rapid growth, fail to implement an efficient communication system. If your office communication consists of a confusing jumble of emails, instant messaging platforms and offhand comments in the hall, chances are important information is slipping through the cracks.

Encourage open dialogue

If employees, or even managers, do not feel like it is their place to make suggestions or propose alternatives then great ideas and innovative strategies are probably being missed. All members of an organization need to feel as though they have a voice, even if the connection is simply to a direct superior who then passes it up the line.


Businesses that are run by people unwilling to compromise or consider the recommendations of others are going to be full of disgruntled employees. Even if you only give ground on what you consider to be less important issues, it can still make people feel like you are willing to listen.

Ultimately, an organization can only function up to the level of its quality of communication. The only way to maximize performance is with all departments and members pulling in the same direction, something that can only happen with a streamlined process for sharing information, concerns, and ideas.

Feb 28th 2019.