Integrated and Accountable: Keys to an Effective Support System


It is commonly understood that every business needs some form of customer support. The methods and techniques for dealing with client issues have been researched and documented at great length. But they all tend to ignore another clear need – employee support systems. Just as customers need to be able to communicate with the company to share problems, get answers and provide feedback, so too do members within the organization. One of the most common complaints of employees is the inability to have issues resolved in a simple or effective manner. Implementing an in-house support system to connect departments, route issues to the appropriate section and streamline problem resolution is a crucial response to the escalating complexity of the modern workplace. There are a number of important considerations for those looking to add a support system to their business.


Different departments typically have very different skill sets, work styles and communication methods. Maybe the most important feature of any support system or internal help desk is the ability to connect contrasting departments. Accounting professionals simply don’t speak the same language as the sales team. The scientist handling your research and development probably can’t understand how the HR manager spends their day. On top of that, they might all use different communication channels, from email to chat software to the good old-fashioned telephone. Implementing a simple system with the ability to standardize communication throughout the organization promotes an inclusive atmosphere and common language.


In order for an internal support system to be effective it must have the trust of the people using it. Too many help desks are informal setups that end up putting the same one or two people in charge of dealing with problems, regardless of whether or not they have the expertise or authority to handle them. Making sure that each issue or support ticket is routed to the correct person or department, then guaranteeing that the buck stops there, is crucial. Support staff can include both internal and external sectors, depending on the structure of the business. When employees believe that using the system will generate a positive result it will improve morale and confidence in the company.

Tracking Accuracy

You need to have a system in place to keep the process documented and moving. Nothing eliminates confidence in the system like having things fall through the cracks.

Ease of Use

Whatever the issue, it needs to be easily submitted. The less time and effort it takes the employee to create a support ticket the more likely they are to initiate the process rather than simply ignore the problem.


Giving users a platform to contribute to the resolution process beyond the initial submission keeps all relevant parties involved and engaged. It can also serve to avoid further problems that may arise and allow for the helpful sharing of information. Every business is different, which is why there is no standard blueprint for the dynamics of internal communication. In order to ensure fast and efficient conflict resolution that feels acceptable to employees on all sides of a given issue, it is important to employ a support software that is simple and user-friendly, as well as flexible enough to handle changing needs.

Mar 14th 2019.